Migraine Acupuncture Treatment in Calgary
Thin needles are inserted into precise body locations during the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture. It aids in healing and disease prevention.
It has been demonstrated that Acupuncture Services in Calgary Alberta work well to treat migraines. According to research in the journal Neurology, acupuncture works better for treating migraines than prescription drugs.
According to the study, acupuncture lowered the average number of migraine days from eight to three per month, a reduction of more than half. Also, compared to those who took medicine, those who underwent acupuncture saw fewer negative effects from their treatments.
Consider scheduling a consultation with a certified acupuncturist if you frequently experience migraines. The distressing illness of migraines can be treated safely and effectively with acupuncture.
What effects does acupuncture have on migraines?
Thin needles are inserted into precise body locations during the ancient Chinese therapeutic art of acupuncture. It is claimed to aid in pain relief and advance general wellness. Migraines have been treated with acupuncture, along with many other illnesses.
A form of headache called a migraine can produce excruciating pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. They may be incapacitating, and treatment frequently involves taking medicine. Acupuncture may be able to help reduce migraines' frequency and intensity even though there is no known treatment for them.
In a 2008 study, it was discovered that acupuncture reduced the frequency of migraines in individuals who had never before undergone treatment for them. The study subjects who underwent acupuncture experienced 2.2 fewer migraines on average per month than the study subjects who did not.
According to a 2012 study, acupuncture may be superior to medicine for managing migraines. Compared to those who took medicine, study participants who received acupuncture treatments experienced fewer adverse effects and fewer migraines.
It's crucial to locate a skilled professional with experience treating this problem if you're thinking about attempting acupuncture for your migraines. Although acupuncture is usually seen to be safe, there are some potential hazards. Make sure to discuss these risks with your practitioner before beginning treatment.
What advantages does acupuncture have for treating migraines?
It has been demonstrated that acupuncture is a successful migraine treatment. According to a review of studies, acupuncture can lessen migraine frequency and severity as well as the need for medication.
According to theory, acupuncture relieves pain by triggering the nerve system and releasing chemicals in the brain. It is a treatment that is risk-free and gentle that can be used to treat migraines.
Are there any adverse effects of acupuncture?
Acupuncture For Hormonal Health in Calgary AB is a safe and effective treatment for migraines with few side effects. Bruising at the needle site for a short time is the most frequent adverse reaction. Fainting, vertigo, and nausea are a few other, uncommon adverse effects. Please let your acupuncturist know if you encounter any of these side effects so they can take action to reduce them.
For More Info :-
Registered Acupuncturist in Calgary AB
Professional Acupuncture Clinic in Calgary AB
Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Calgary AB
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/acupuncturewithmadison2/home
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